- First Presbyterian Church of Charlottesville (Charlottesville, Va.)
- Presbyterians--Virginia--Charlottesville
Description: A collection of materials from First Presbyterian Church regarding activities.
Type: Collection
Identifier: pa 46.1.c
Rights: copyright not evaluated
Location: Archive Room File Cabinet
(01) Broadside: Christmas Program announcement, 12, 17 December [no year].
(02) Card: Activities Schedule, undated.
(03) Broadside: News Bulletin, December [no year].
(04) Broadside: Annual Family Picnic, undated.
(05) Broadside: Special Family Night, 3 October [no year].
(06) Broadside: Christmas Activities, December [no year].
(07) Card: Services and Lecture Course Schedule, October – December 1915.
(08) Program: Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Pastorate of Rev. Petrie, D.D., 17 March 1918.
(09) Program: Olivet to Calvary, A Sacred Cantata by J. H. Maunder, sung by Church Choir, 16 April 1922.
(10) Program: Charlottesville District Conference. Theme: Advancing with Christ, 3 September 1937.
(11) Program: Men’s Club Supper Meeting, 21 October 1943.
(12) Program: Inspirational Meeting Women’s Auxiliary, 16 February 1948.
(13) Program: Installation Services for Reverend Mr. David H. Burr, 19 April 1951.
(14) Broadside: News bulletin. 21 January 1954.
(15) Program: Laying of the Cornerstone, 22 May 1955.
(16) Program: Welcome!, 1955-1957.
(17) Program: Service of Music in connection with the Dedication of the Church, 26 October 1956.
(18) Program: Joint Choir Presentation with Westminster Presbyterian Church, 7 April 1957.
(19) Newsletter: 2 March 1958.
(20) Program: Easter, 18 March 1959.
(21) Broadside: Annual Church Picnic, 17 June 1959.
(22) Program: Women of the Church Annual Meeting, 1 December 1959.
(23) Newsletter: 15 December 1959.
(24) Brochure: Holy Week Services, 15-19 April 1962.
(25) Newsletter: Holy Week Services, April 1963.
(26) Brochure: Commemorating the One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Anniversary of the Church, Summer 1964.
(27) Broadside: District III Association Meeting Agenda, 24 February 1966.
(28) Broadside: Survey to determine interest in a recreation program, undated.