Subject: Charlottesville and Albemarle County Chamber of Commerce
Description: A collection of materials for the Chamber of Commerce.
Type: Collection
Identifier: PA 178.C.20
Rights: copyright not evaluated
Location: Archive Room File Cabinet
(01) Program: Dinner in Honor of Hon. Garland M. McNutt, 24 March 1922.
(02) Report to the Board of Directors by the American City Bureau on Reorganization of Chamber of Commerce, 1920.
(03) The Chamberlog, Civic Banquet Issue, 1932.
(04) Program: 34th Annual Meeting of Chamber of Commerce, 1948.
(05) Short History of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, 1949.
(06) Civic Directory of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, 1951.
(07) 39th Annual Meeting of Chamber of Commerce, 1953.
(08) Civic Directory of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, 1954.
(09) Program of Work, 1982.
(10) Resource and Referral Membership Directory, 1993-1994.
(11) 2003 Chamber Report and Business Plan.
(12) Enterprise, November 2013.
(13) Brochure: A Century of Achievement, 2013.
(14) Brochure: A Few Brief and Concise Details about Business and Commerce, undated.
(15) Booklet: Paper Presented to Gov. Harvey Parnell of Arkansas on the Occasion of his Visit to Charlottesville, 1929.
(16) Broadside: “Welcome Home Week”, 7-13 April 1946.
(17) Historic Charlottesville and Albemarle County, 1962.
(18) Newsletter: Legislative Action, 1970.
(19) Economic Development Issue Focus Group, 1992.
(20) Broadside: Leadership Charlottesville Alumni Association, 1989.
(21) Distribution List for Resource Directory, undated.
(22) Leadership Charlottesville Resource Directory, 1988.
(23) 1984 Information and Buyer’s Guide.
(24) Brochure: What Does the Chamber Do?, undated.
(25) Letter: Announcement of the National Affairs Area Conference, 27 November 1949.
(26) Booklet: Handbook of Services and Information for Veterans, 1946.
(27) Brochure: Know Your Congressman, undated.
(28) County Membership List, 7 November 1946.
(29) Letter: Review Draft of historical guide to area, 1 June 1974.
(30) Brochure: Ads for local businesses, 30 June 1981.