Subject: World War II, 1939-1945
Description: A collection of items related to World War II in the Charlottesville area.
Type: Collection
Identifier: PA 21.5
Rights: copyright not evaluated
Location: Archive Room File Cabinet
(1) Outline: Incendiary Bombs and Chemical Agents Used in Warfare, prepared by Clayton H. Steed, undated, 6 pages.
(2) Protection Against Gas, undated, 8 pages.
(3) Manual for Civilian Defense, compliments of Wood, Vest and Co., Inc.
(4) United States Official V-Mail Envelope and Letter, package of 20.
(5) A Handbook for Air Raids Wardens, United States Office of Civilian Defense, 1941.
(6) Albemarle County Civilian Defense Corps, General Instructions No. 3, 30 January 1942, 7 pages.
(7) Letter: Polly P. McGavock, Captain, Red Cross Motor Corps. to Mrs. George Gilmer, 15 May 1943. Includes envelope.
(8) Postcard: Red Cross Motor Corps., Please fill out and return immediately, undated.
(9) Brochure: Festung Ehrenbreitstein, The Fighting 69th Infantry Division, 1945.
(10) Food Ration Certificate, 31 March 1944.