
  • Opticians--Virginia--Charlottesville
  • Keller and George Jewelers
  • Jewelers--Virginia--Charlottesville

Description: A collection of items from Keller and George, Jewelers and Opticians in Charlottesville, Va.

Type: Collection

Identifier: PA 146.2.A

Rights: copyright not evaluated

Location: Archive Room File Cabinet


(01) Order form for Keller and George, undated.

(02) Booklet: Over Seventy-Five Years of Jewelry Business, [1950].

(03) Brochure: Engraving Services, undated.

(04) Booklet: Keller and George Centennial, 1975.

(05) “The Treasures of the Spanish Galleon: Nuestra Senora de Atocha,” 3 April 1996.

(06) Reed and Barton catalog, undated.