
  • Baseball--Virginia--Charlottesville
  • Baseball--Virginia--Albemarle County

Description: A collection of Charlottesville baseball and softball materials.

Type: Collection

Identifier: PA 13.2

Rights: copyright not evaluated

Location: Archive Room File Cabinet


(01) Program: Tenth Annual Central District Slow Pitch Softball Tournament, 26 July – 3 August 1968.
(02) Happy 100th Birthday Charlottesville 1988, Cardinals Baseball.
(03) Sticker: Charlottesville Blues.
(04) Program: Charlottesville Boy’s Baseball Association All-Star Tournament, 4-7 July 1973.
(05) Program: Stars of Yesteryears – First Annual Baseball Reunion Tournament, 13-15 June 1997.
(06) Brochure: City and Industrial League Schedule, 1963.
(07) Program: American Legion Junior Baseball, 1963.