Subject: Virginia--Politics and government

Description: A collection of materials from Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, which opposed the Civil Rights Act.

Type: Collection

Identifier: PA 206

Rights: copyright not evaluated

Location: Archive Room File Cabinet


(01) Booklet: The Constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: A response to the Attorney General of the United States by Robert Y. Button, Attorney General of the Commonwealth

of Virginia, [1965].

(02) Booklet: The Bill of Rights and the Constitution: An Address by Associate Supreme Court Justice John M. Harlan, 9 August 1964.

(03) Booklet: The Constitution of the United States of America with a summary of the actions of the states in ratification of the provisions thereof, Sixth Edition, October 1967.

(04) Same as (03) except: Third Edition, January 1965.